Master the Four R’s of recovery—repair, restore, replace, and recharge—to boost energy, speed up healing, and achieve your fitness and wellness goals
After a strenuous workout muscle tissue is damaged on a cellular level. Consuming high quality protein post-workout is essential for repairing damaged tissue and enhancing protein synthesis to occur. Not consuming enough protein after a workout and on a day to day basis could lead to muscle atrophy, or a loss in muscle mass.
The body utilizes stored glycogen (stored form of glucose in the muscles) as fuel for energy production during exercise. Adequate simple (i.e. fast digesting carbs such as sugar in orange juice) and complex carbs (i.e. slower digesting carbs such as fiber found in oats) should be consumed to restore lost glycogen stores within the muscles. Not replenishing glycogen stores can lead to feelings of fatigue and weakness and performance will ultimately suffer.
As we exercise, we sweat to help us regulate internal body temperature. It is important to replace these lost fluids through water and electrolyte intake. When we sweat we are losing more than just water. We are also losing essential electrolytes such as sodium, thus it is important to rehydrate with more than just water. Adding electrolytes to water (i.e. liquid IV or LMNT) or salt to foods (preferably pink Himalayan salt) can help replace these lost electrolytes. Water itself is vital for cell functioning, organ protection, and many other functions. On the other hand, electrolyte balance is important for physiological functions such as conducting action potentials in the nerves and muscles and balancing the body’s pH level.
Eat the rainbow! Incorporating foods/supplements that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients are key in recharging the body during recovery. During a period of recovery, it is also important to make sure the body recharges by getting enough rest and sleep. Ideally, you should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Adequate rest and sleep should be prioritized as a recovery tool, however other recovery modalities such as cryotherapy, infrared sauna, massage guns, foam rolling, and compression boots are also helpful for recharging the body in preparation for the next training session/competition.
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